Thursday 8 December 2011

Marbles, marbles everywhere and lots of hot chocolate to drink.

I am, it has to be said, feeling a little smug with myself. I have gone from evening bath time battles to bubbly bliss, from playdoh terrorism to supernannyesque creative play sessions. 'How?' I hear you ask. Marbles. No, it isn't a code word for something more sinister, I actually mean marbles. I have taken bribery and corruption to a new level, and boy is it working.
The marbles, or 'money' as babybear1 refers to them as, are paid out for good behaviour and carrying out day to day tasks such as 'getting ready to go' and 'washing yourself in the bath'. He can then spend the marbles on everyday treats such as watching half an hour of TV or having a lovely, hot chocolate or he can save them for a bigger treats such as a new book or toy (to the value of £5). So far its working really well and its been over 3 weeks. It also seems to be great lesson in budgeting, Tanya Byron would be pleased, as he has begun to understand what £5 will buy you in The Entertainer, so far a tub of dinosaurs and a tub of wild animals at £4 a pop.
Some people may think that a constant rewarding is instilling the wrong values and I would perhaps agree for an older child. However, 3 year olds are selfish creatures, I present that as a fact not an insult. They work best when rewarded for good behaviour. I have to say there is a selfish element to this system too as it means I am not at constant war with my toddler and that to me is worth all the marbles in the world!
Well done Mama!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Forgive me Gina Ford for I have sinned....

So I knew having children would affect the amount of sleep I have. I also assumed that after having had my second baby I would learn to survive on less sleep than I would have ever deemed possible post mummydom. However, this is ridiculous! I am rapidly turning into the sort of mother that Gina Ford would drop kick soon as look at. Dummy? In! Night feed? Still there (I know at 7months this equates to child abuse in Gina world). Then there was the night time routine, complete with organic lavender baby bath milk, which has rapidly flown out of the window, the routine not the bath milk.  Babybear2 is watching an unhealthy amount of The Style Network in the vain hope that I'll get a little rest and catch up on Big Rich Texas! But what struck me last night, as I watched the highly addictive reality show 'Tia and Tamera' (yes, of Sister Sister fame) whilst simultaneously bouncing the bouncer and telling myself that this could possibly constitute a bedtime routine, is that it doesn't really matter if I'm bending the rules a little.

The first time round you beat yourself about the little things. 'I let him fall asleep in my arms instead of the cot' or 'I gave him a sneaky bottle at night to make him fall asleep'. But the second time round you learn to give yourself a break. Yes, he should have a routine at night. But the road to self soothing is a bumpy, sleepless one and there are no guarantees he'll suddenly sleep through the night. Control crying works but I don't have the energy to partake yet. So as long as little man's first words aren't 'fashion police' or 'Jerseylicious' I'm not going to worry too much. Sorry Gina.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Here goes!

I am a Mummy to 2 lovely little boys, BabyBear1 (3yrs old) and BabyBear2 (7months old). This is my blog charting the highs, lows and somewhere in betweens of motherhood. articulating my internal battle to be both a wonderful mother and a successful career woman. Playdoh and face paints at the ready, here goes!